Senior Academy

Computer Skills for Seniors

Learning and Practice Resources

Welcome to Senior Academy

This site serves readers of the Senior Academy books. If you would like more information on these instruction guides, visit our Bookstore.

The “Computer Skills for Seniors” books are devoted to helping senior citizens develop and hone their skills in the use of computers – from basic instructions in the use of the Windows Vista operating system to learning practical skills in the use of a variety of programs. This site provides learning resources and practice materials to assist readers – students – in absorbing the knowledge and the methods.

These books are valuable for self-study and are well-suited as text books for formal classroom training.

The section “Teaching Resources” furnishes teaching aids and information to assist instructors in the use of these books as classroom course manuals.

The section "Student Resources" provides practice materials for students.

Students: To reach the practice material for your book, click on Student Resources below.







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